a picture a day for 365 days

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween- day 287

saturday october 30th 2010

from top left to right: me and the grape, the waitress the puck bunny and the cat (or the cunny), almost all the dh girls, and the kings cup

me and the puck bunny

Real food- day 286

friday october 29th 2010

rose + rose's mum

HITW-day 285

thursday october 28th 2010

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


wednesday october 27th 2010

Halloween party- day 283

tuesday october 26th 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010

Good day!- day 282

monday october 25th 2010

Sale- day 281

sunday october 24th 2010

Tooooo much- day 280

saturday october 23rd 2010

Fail- day 279

friday october 22nd 2010

so i got drunkskies and forgot to take a picture so this is my saturday 2 photo cheat.

Getting close- day 278

thursday october 21st 2010

Beeefffffffefffsss- day 277

wednesday october 20th 2010

Tri- day 276

tuesday october 19th 2010

Omnomnom- day 275

monday october 18th 2010

The dryer-day 274

sunday october 17th 2010

does not take quarters.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Breakfast- day 273

saturday october 16th 2010

ambrosia salad pancakes smileys and eggs

Grocery shopping- day 272

friday october 15th 2010

me and rose went to superstore and made dins and had a sleepover!

Daisy- day 271

thursday october 14th 2010

alex made me a flower

Radio-day 270

wednesday october 13th 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Back- day 269

tuesday october 12th 2010

Raincouver- day 268

monday october 11th 2010


Usual- day 267

sunday october 10th 2010

fishies + ikis

Let them eat cake- day 266

saturday october 9th 2010


Home!- day 265

friday october 8th 2010

Second- day 264

thursday october 7th 2010

a very stressful test but a very nice day

No chocolate just chips- day 263

wednesday october 6th 2010

so heres the story: me and lisa wanted to share a chocolate bar so we go to the vending machine but there is a bag of chips blocking the way and lisa tries to get it out but she cant and we stand there for 5 minutes wondering what to do then finally i kick it and the chips fall out so we dont pay for a chocolate bar.

Studytime!- day 262

tuesday october 5th 2010

too intense to look into the camera

Rowdy- day 261

monday october 4th 2010

poor andrea!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

And all the trees in the field- day 260

sunday october 3rd 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Awe- day 259

saturday october 2nd 2010

so since PG busses only run once every hour on the weekends i had to wait 40 minutes to come back from superstore and the whole 40 minutes i watched this cat try and cross the street but it couldn't.

$2- day 258

friday october 1st 2010

so im basically in love with dollarama here and i got this cute mat for 2 dollars.

Luck- day 257

thursday september 30th 2010

i need some good luck

Dan- day 256

wednesday september 29th 2010

this is dan. me and rose have joint custody.